If you got hurt on a four-wheeler in the Memphis, Tennessee area, a Memphis ATV accident lawyer could help you pursue money damages for your losses and deal directly with the insurance company, so you don’t have to. Our clients know they can devote their attention and energy to getting better because we are taking care of their legal matters.
These cases often involve tough legal challenges, but we do not back down from a fight. We work tirelessly to get our clients the compensation they deserve to rebuild their lives.
ATV Use in Tennessee
Once only a fun outdoor toy, ATVs have become a regular part of many recreational and work-related activities. Some people use ATVs for general transportation when they do not need to travel great distances or move at high speeds.
Many farmers and hunters find ATVs to be useful and convenient. Also, you can find four-wheelers on worksites all over Tennessee. Regardless of the type of use, an ATV accident can result in catastrophic injuries and wrongful death.
How Much Compensation Could You Recover for Your ATV Accident Injury Claim?
If someone else caused the accident and your injuries, you might be able to pursue money damages for your losses. We cannot simply throw out a number representing the typical amount of money people recover in ATV accident injury claims and lawsuits because every personal injury case is different.
The amount of compensation you could seek will depend on the unique facts of your situation. Here are some examples of the kinds of money damages we recover for our accident injury claim clients:
- Lost wages: If you could not work for a while because of your injuries and you missed paychecks as a result, you have suffered a financial loss. This item can be a part of your injury claim.
- Lost future wages: If you have ongoing impairment because of your wounds, you might not be able to make as much money as you did before the ATV accident. You might have to take a lower-paying position or work fewer hours. We can add this lost earning power to your claim.
- Medical expenses: Typically, people can seek to recover the reasonable cost of the medical treatment they needed for their injuries. This category can include bills from the ambulance, emergency room or trauma center, doctors, hospital, surgery, physical therapy, and pain management.
- Pain and suffering: Recovering the cost of your medical treatment does not address the issue of what you went through. We can claim pain and suffering damages in addition to your medical bills. This category is for the physical discomfort and emotional distress you experienced because of your injuries.
- Other intangible losses: You might have additional consequences from the accident and your injuries, like disfigurement from significant scars or amputation, loss of enjoyment of life because of functions you can no longer perform, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from the trauma of the accident.
These are just a few of the damages people can seek after getting injured in a four-wheeler accident. When you hire a Memphis ATV accident lawyer from our team, we will explore other possible types of losses that could be recoverable.
Can You Afford to Hire an ATV Accident Lawyer to Handle Your Injury Claim?
You do not have to be rich to get our help after getting hurt in an ATV accident. We help people from all walks of life because we handle these personal injury cases on a contingency-fee basis. This payment arrangement makes it possible for you to get our legal services and attention without paying any upfront legal fees.
We wait until the end of your case, when we receive a percentage of the settlement proceeds or jury award. We do not get paid until you win.
There Is a Deadline to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit After Getting Hurt On an ATV
Tennessee has one of the shortest time limits in the United States for people who get hurt to seek compensation for their losses. TN Code § 28-3-104 gives you only one year to file a lawsuit for personal injury or wrongful death.
As the American Bar Association explains, if you miss the filing deadline, the law will likely prevent you from going after compensation for your losses. A year can pass quickly after a severe injury or the loss of a loved one.
If you reach out to our firm as soon as possible, your Memphis ATV accident lawyer can preserve your legal rights and help you avoid missing important deadlines.
Pitfalls to Avoid After Getting Injured in an ATV Accident
People who try to handle their own injury or wrongful death claims without an attorney tend to make these common mistakes that decrease the amount of money damages they can receive for their losses or derail their case altogether:
- Not knowing the value of their claim: Attorneys and insurance companies use databases that contain information on jury verdicts in similar lawsuits. If you do not have access to this kind of information, you’ll be taking a shot in the dark about the monetary value of your injury claim. Many people who try to handle their cases as DIY projects later realize they should have received much more money.
- Not knowing the deadline for filing their lawsuit: The claims adjuster can easily drag out the negotiations to the one-year time limit. After that date passes, do not expect return phone calls or emails.
- Not understanding the danger of social media: When you have a personal injury or wrongful death claim, it is best to take a complete break from social media. Any photographs or comments that you post could get taken out of context and used against you to decrease the financial value of your claim.
When you work with a Memphis ATV accident lawyer from our team, we can protect you from these and other pitfalls.
Find Out the Results We Have Achieved for Our Clients
Here are some of the settlements and jury verdicts we have won for our personal injury clients:
- $25 million jury verdict in a faulty brake case
- $10 million jury verdict in a wrongful death lawsuit
- $9 million jury verdict in a medical malpractice case
- $1.6 million jury verdict in DuPont C8 contamination litigation
Every personal injury and wrongful death case is unique. The results we achieve in one case do not guarantee the same outcome in another claim. However, we promise to work hard to achieve a positive outcome for you, too.
Call Cory Watson Attorneys Today
If we take your case, we will need to talk to you and investigate your ATV accident before determining the monetary value of your claim. We are happy to offer a free initial consultation at no obligation. Call Cory Watson Attorneys today at (901) 402-2000 to find out how we can help you.
Memphis Office Location
254 Court Avenue, Suite 511Memphis, TN 38103