October is fast approaching and for many, this means the start of autumn, football season, and cooler weather. But for the personal injury attorneys and staff of Cory Watson, it now means so much more.
October is nationally known as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Where It All Started
In 1991, our founders Ernie Cory and Leila Watson began representing a group of incredible women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer and gotten breast implants as part of their reconstruction. After receiving the implants, the women began to develop strange illnesses and came to us for justice. Three years later, one of the major manufacturers, Dow Corning, declared bankruptcy.
Law firms across the country began dropping their cases leaving these women, mothers and wives, daughters and sisters, with nowhere to turn and no hope of justice. But Cory Watson Attorneys did not turn our backs on them. We took more under our protection, and our small group of ladies grew to over two thousand.
Over the years, we fought hard for these women and sought justice on their behalf. Finally, after six years of relentless work, we had two cases set for trial. These two trials were the catalyst for resolution of all our breast implant cases.
Cory Watson Goes Pink For Breast Cancer Awareness
Our ladies and their families have spread the word and helped us to grow into the business we are today. Ernie Cory and Leila Watson wanted to do more for the women that did so much for us. More than fifteen years ago, Cory Watson Attorneys began sponsoring Birmingham’s Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure. As our family has grown over the years, so has our love and support for this cause. Our employees and their families have come to embrace this event and spread the word to their friends just as our clients had done before.
In 2016, more than 100 employees and their families participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. We hope to have an even bigger turnout this year. Every year, as people line up for the Survivor’s Walk, our hearts are warmed as we see familiar faces in the crowd. These women are survivors, but more than that, they are warriors. They deserve our respect.
Cory Watson Cares
As you drive through Birmingham this October, you may notice pink signs along your roadways for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Cory Watson Attorneys is a proud sponsor of this event, and we do this because we care.
Cory Watson cares about our mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters. Our women have fought long enough - help us fight with them. Click here to donate to this amazing cause and support these strong women.