DuPont Agrees to $670 Million Settlement to Resolve C-8 Claims

In a settlement announced last week, DuPont and Chemours Co. have agreed to pay
$670.7 million to settle over 3,500 lawsuits. The plaintiffs claim they were injured by exposure to the chemical C-8, which has been linked to the following injuries: kidney cancer, testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, pregnancy-induced hypertension, and high cholesterol.
- 2001: Residents filed a class action lawsuit against DuPont claiming DuPont exposed residents around the Washington Works Plant in Parkersburg, West Virginia to the chemical C-8.
- 2004: DuPont settled the class action. As part of the settlement, DuPont agreed to study the potential health effects of C-8 exposure.
- 2012: The scientists hired as a result of the class action settlement published Probable Link reports linking C-8 to kidney cancer, testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, pregnancy-induced hypertension, and high cholesterol.
- The first trial was a claim by a West Virginia woman that C-8 caused her kidney cancer. In October 2015, a jury awarded her $1.6 Million for her injuries.
- DuPont appealed the jury’s verdict to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. At the time of the settlement, the appeal was still pending.
- The second trial involved an Ohio man claiming C-8 caused his testicular cancer. In July 2016, a jury awarded him $5.1 Million for his injuries, as well as $500,000 in punitive damages.
- The most recent verdict was in December 2016. In that case, a second Ohio man claimed C-8 caused his testicular cancer. The jury awarded him $2 Million for his injuries, as well as $10.5 Million in punitive damages.
- At the time the settlement was announced a fourth trial was ongoing. In the fourth trial, the plaintiff was another Ohio man claiming C-8 caused his testicular cancer.
- The settlement comes before the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued its opinion on DuPont’s appeal.
- The settlement may potentially resolve all outstanding claims filed against DuPont.
- DuPont and Chemours will each pay half of the $670.7 Million.
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