Cory Watson Attorneys Win $10 Million Verdict in Fatal Hit-and-Run Lawsuit
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - A pedestrian walking to visit a family friend in the hospital was killed a little more than four years ago when she was struck by a hit-and-run driver. Now, the determined advocates at Cory Watson Attorneys have finally achieved justice on behalf of her family and three children.
Today, a Birmingham, Ala., jury found in favor of the victim’s family, awarding her children and family a $10 million verdict. The Cory Watson trial team consisted of attorneys Jerome Tapley, Ryan Lutz, and Curt Tanner.
“This has been a long road for Ms. McCall’s family, and as a firm, we’re happy to find justice and help bring closure to her family and children,” said principal Jerome Tapley of Cory Watson Attorneys.
The victim, 34-year-old mother Angela McCall, was walking along a Center Point, Ala. sidewalk in August 2014 when a speeding driver traveling nearly 60 mph lost control of his vehicle. He struck and killed her instantly. After threatening a witness with a firearm, the driver then fled the scene of the crime.
Ms. McCall was pronounced dead on the scene around midnight that evening. She was a beloved mother of three. Her sister has since pursued justice on behalf of her deceased sister and surviving children.
Police later identified the man as 25-year-old Sylvester Corderyl Taylor. The family persisted in seeking a notable civil verdict such as today’s, in which he was charged with wrongful death.
“As a father myself, it’s difficult to put into words the emotions that you experience when taking a case of this nature,” said principal Ryan Lutz of Cory Watson Attorneys. “Even more difficult is explaining to your children that events like this happen at the hands of dangerous people in the world — those who recklessly endanger human life.”
The McCall children, now 18, 20, and 23, years old, have since been raised by the family and their loving aunt. Having recently celebrated what would have been their mother’s 39th birthday, the group of siblings has anxiously awaited this final chapter – bringing closure to their mother’s untimely passing.
“As a firm, we take great pride in representing and fighting for the powerless. This case became a matter of principle within our office over the last four years. Our hope is that today’s culminating verdict will help bring closure to this grieving family,” said Curt Tanner of Cory Watson Attorneys.
Click here to view and download the full press release.
About Cory Watson Attorneys
Cory Watson Attorneys is a nationally recognized personal injury law firm based in Birmingham, Ala., with more than 4 Billion in recoveries for clients. Attorneys are frequently at the forefront of major class actions involving consumer protection and product liability, and are often appointed to leadership positions in national cases involving dangerous pharmaceuticals and defective medical devices. Firm practice areas include Personal Injury, Product Liability, Class Action, Asbestos, Business & Commercial Litigation, Dangerous Pharmaceuticals, Defective Medical Devices, and Environmental/Toxic Torts.
Related News: Jury awards $10 million to family of Birmingham mother killed in 2014 hit-and-run