If you’ve been injured in a car accident, be prepared to make some important decisions in the near future. For instance, deciding whether or not to call a lawyer could impact the rest of your life. Sound dramatic? Well, it can be. Over the past 30 years, we’ve seen too many families in Alabama file for bankruptcy or lose their homes due to medical bills that should have been paid by the insurance company. They thought they could deal with the insurance company without a lawyer on their side, and that decision led to a financial crisis.
As one of Birmingham's most trusted law firms, we feel an obligation to protect the families in our community from getting taken advantage of by their insurance company. Every time they convince an accident victim to take a small check or to go it alone without a lawyer, they’re potentially putting that family in jeopardy for the sake of profits. We’re not okay with that.
Don't let that happen to you. Protect yourself by picking up the phone and giving us a call. Contacting a lawyer after your accident may be a simple decision, but it can make a big impact on your future. Contact our experienced Birmingham car accident attorneys today for a free consultation.