When you think about car wrecks, you most likely think of two or more cars colliding. However, more than 14% of all traffic fatalities and 3% of those injured in traffic crashes are pedestrians. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a pedestrian is killed every two hours and injured every seven minutes in a traffic accident. Pedestrian accidents almost always involve injuries, and those injuries can be significant considering a pedestrian has no vehicle to protect them. Here are 7 safety tips to help pedestrians in Alabama avoid an accident:
- Follow the rules of the road and obey all traffic signs and signals.
- Walk on sidewalks whenever possible and avoid narrow shoulders next to highways.
- When there isn’t a sidewalk, walk facing traffic to give you ample time to react if a car veers toward you.
- Be visible at all times to drivers. If walking at night, wear reflective gear and carry a flashlight to be more conspicuous.
- Make eye contact with drivers to ensure they see you.
- When crossing the street, use crosswalks whenever possible. When a crosswalk isn’t available, choose a well-lit area to cross.
- Be aware of cars entering and exiting driveways. Look twice before walking across a driveway access.
- Do not use ear buds or headphones when walking or running in areas where you may encounter vehicle traffic.